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Bio: Closing Times Memories POTD

CLOSING TIME AT THE PUB The joy, the camaraderie, the smoke. The great ale, my great friends in Chicago. Old Town, North Avenue, twas Chicago,1967. O' Rourke's Pub, where else? Smoky, filled with excellent, lively,repartage and boisterous, glorious laughter. Great friends like Roger Ebert, international film critic now in heaven. Or Tom Erickson, who was in Damien II, a great actor and my boyfriend, too. Even a future Congressman was one of us! I see him currently on the House Floor, fume and fuss. But when I knew him he was a Black Panther! Guess he lost his beret on a CTA bus? Gone, gone,the world is so empty without them. As silent as a banned, Covid-empty church pew. Hellers we were, full of vodka, vim and vigor. Joy and love was our de rigeur! And of course...tasty, foreign liqueurs. Second City Imrov Actors joined us, too. I never dreamed that one day I'd share that stage with other famed Second City crew. We were all like close family... Writers, actors, actresses and patriots, too. We marched for civil rights and ending the war in Viet Nam. But never violent nor did we hurt anyone. I still have my leather peace symbol~ with What pride I wore it. No swearing or hurting did we once do! Today's marches resemble rabid animals Escaped from a mental health zoo. These memories, oh, pressed like sweet roses in my heart's golden memory book. Oh, take me back in time, God, I beg you to have just a peek in that window for one-more last look? To see the portrait of Brendan Behan, To hear the bagpipes once again play. To celebrate New Years Eve when O'Rourkes Was on that one night, by invitation only. 'Tis no wonder this poetess gets so lonely! It was indeed one of the many best times of my life. Whilst many were in bed by nine... playing husband and wife, We were discussing news, jokes and life! Some ended up with their names, on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Such funsters and carousers, we. Our goal: to celebrate life with vigorous hilarity. News was not told by high paid TV liars. My old friends who were truthful writers, Whom I so admired. Today my life..silent as a small dinner bell. My new friends? Poetry Soup. From the wild life...totally retired. But..if I could turn back the hands of time, I would go back to glory days, on a dime! August 10, 2020 4am PST All previous comments are listed when it was first posted, This was my most widely read poem! I did not want to erase old friends. To my new friends here, I hope this gives you a look into my days long gone. I appreciate all comments, old and new, May our poems reflect who we are, adding truth to our days. The best to you in 2025. Pangie

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 1/19/2025 8:28:00 AM
My hearts golden memory book...outstanding visual food for the increments of diving time into so many sections! One of the best lines i have ever read! Congratulations on POTD and your most widely read porcelain poem! Love to you in 2025 Chantelle xoxo
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 1/19/2025 1:50:00 PM
Good to see you again, wow! I like the tealit in thi piem. It brought all those gloriou quick days back to life.back to having new breath, Thanks to you, I am ever grateful to want to write again. Pove, Pangie xoxo
Date: 1/1/2025 5:31:00 PM
You’ve certainly lived life to the full Pangie, lucky you to have so many friends and to have been on stage too. That’s what it’s all about, making the most of our time on earth and enjoying every moment… Beryl
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 1/1/2025 7:41:00 PM
Beryl you are so right!! Life is all about participation and listening to others. And taking Shannon chances, I just have the kind of personality that I like living on the edge. I still do And I can’t do it the way I used to, but I will do it the best I can till I’m gone., And hopefully, after that and heaven, we can meet our friends. Your comment is so uplifting! ,wow! You think about others instead of yourself. Pangie xx
Date: 1/1/2025 2:01:00 AM
Hi Pangie, you've certainly lived life to the full, so many lovely memories to look back on, wishing you a happy and a healthy new year God bless. xx
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 1/1/2025 4:45:00 AM
here’s to a happy new year for both of us John. I think I told you my son-in-law was in the hospital the night before but nothing was wrong. They could find.. thank goodness. Yes, I do love the old memories and a lot of those friends are gone now and I am here to bear witness the joy and happiness they brought into my life.L you were a new friend and we could go forward into 2005 and anticipation and willingness to state what’s wrong that we see in the world. An old song life is just a bullet cherries and that’s just a lot of bologna.. accused for kids, but adults who was suffered and made progress no far better. Anything but a playground.. so cherish all the moments you have that bring you happiness this year because I know you will have them. Pangie xx
Date: 12/31/2024 11:18:00 PM
Happy memories Pangie, those were the best years of your life. Now you're making more happy memories with your family. Happy New year. Tom
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 1/1/2025 4:41:00 AM
Tom, beautiful, thank you. You have to realize that it’s people like you who make tough times easy when they seem so hard.. But is doing better, Maria relax and I think I wrote you. I celebrated UK New Year’s this year in the afternoon.. American new year is way too. With all of you as I said before in 2025.Pangiexx
Date: 12/31/2024 8:23:00 PM
Great write Pangie, It Pulses with life and love. I felt as though I was there with you and your friends of the past. Wishing you and the universe a happy New Year, God bless you and keep you from harm, Anthony
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 12/31/2024 9:04:00 PM
Thank you Anthony! My life and vakueduring those turbulent years was so apparent. It blows the internet to pieces. I am one who knows how phony the Internet is…it almost bears no relationship to the real world.. a person is not keystrokes on the page. And my poem was nothing like comparable to the real thing.There were some emotional relationships. There was fun, there was looking into someone’s eyes.. there were tears when someone died. Harm hovers all of us.the good people are prosecuted for non- crimes! The bad people get out on bail. I’d rather be living in the 60s.. Pangie xx
Date: 12/31/2024 8:19:00 PM
Whoa... Brings me back to Chicago the way it used to be for me too. Excelsior, Pangie! HNY, Gershon
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 12/31/2024 9:22:00 PM
I already celebrated new year at UK time. Because I can’t stand New Year’s an American TV.. they bring out the worst performers and comedians. I’d rather watch paint dry on the wall. Chicago was something else.. it was not the murder of the world it has become, thanks to crazy politicians. It was once a beautiful city and now a snake pit, the suburbs, I think might still be nice. I don’t know, but I’d be afraid to walk the streets.. in any area. I love writing this way. There was so much I haven’t said yet.. hNY pangie. But I think you know what is coming… and it is not Santa Claus.))) Pangie xx
Date: 12/31/2024 4:09:00 PM
What an amazing era that was, Panagiota! A wonderful glimpse of better days. Thank you for sharing! We are lucky to have your presence and a wealth of your great poetry. Wishing you a very Happy New Year!
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 12/31/2024 9:29:00 PM
Lisa, they were better days for one thing because we could associate face-to-face and there was no Covid BF going on. We also were part of a larger life movement to get free of police harassment.. when I was there, the police murdered a husband and his wife was pregnant in their sleep because they were part of the Black Panther. The Black Panthers then we’re not violent. They made sure that kids in the hood were fed and had tutors. Not anymore.. kids get killed when Chicago in a regular basis.. oh and adults. Violence is the time of our lives in any nation. The UK has 24 rapes a day.. I can’t even comprehend that. And you know the problem that go on here.. I think I am lucky to write here, I don’t consider myself a good poet. In this poem., yES. Pangie
Date: 12/31/2024 3:35:00 PM
What a great bio poem, Pangie! Full of life and history and passion. I think you were so fortunate to be around interesting people, especially if they enjoyed your company and probable wing-nutness(lol, in a good way). You seem to hit all the decades with good memories. My only 'but', is the current peace marchers-the news makes them look like rabid animals, and the news' job is to divide the people, etc. I bet many peace marchers have the same passion as you guys did. Happy New Year!
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 12/31/2024 9:34:00 PM
David, you are a first. You are the first poet that has taken me 11 tries to make a comment to because I always go over the limit!!I know, you know exactly what I experience at O’Rourke’s! This poem has vigor, unlike some of my other poems that put me to sleep.. yes, we were hassled because we wore blue jeans. Blue jeans at that time were revolutionary clothes..Therefore men got beat up frequently.. no matter, I dressed like Bob Dylan and my guitar was my companion. I hope my future poems are really reality based. Pangie
Date: 12/31/2024 2:43:00 PM
Ah, the good old days, Pangie! Loved this one - I hadn't seen this one before. A splendid write. Best to you in 2025 and all years to ensue! Bob
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 12/31/2024 7:20:00 PM
There is so much of me in this, Bob. I had a tiny apartment, yes! Nut stacked wall to wall with brilliant people regularly,Roger, like you, loved Limericks. Also, one of the kindest human beings I ever knew. Nevere, I mean never boadted about himself. Small people do that. Nit him. He was at ny house on a regular basis and always a gentleman, . He and I, stared at the moon at the first moon walk. As if we expected to see something! Like other greats in American history I have met, were there to serve fellowman, small people blow their hons own Horns, so irritating. And they are nowhere approaching greatness. Vanityis obnoxious, and thank you for a lifetime of serving America., great one Pangie xx
Date: 12/31/2024 2:20:00 PM
Best wishes for 2025! Thank you for sharing this creative poem with us.
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 12/31/2024 2:37:00 PM
Much appreciated, going back in a time tunnel was an eye opener. Being at ORouke’s…..little did I know that Roger Ebert would become a Pulitzer Prize Winner and have his Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame,with so many other creative writers definitely there, too! They really knew how to participate in life at all levels with gusto and passion. Pangie xx thank you for best wishes, same!

Book: Reflection on the Important Things