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Biden In the History Book

Political leaders take countries to war, making decisions that are political, done to ensure they are voted for, domestic approval and nothing more. Biden couldn't have got it more wrong, clearly this President is a total moron, it doesn't matter how long it's gone on, you don't just leave if you still belong. I wonder if Biden even understands, the world he has left for those Afghans, the victory clearly that of the Talibans, how can you not tell your allies the plans!! Isolating the US from your allies overseas, with this absolute shambles exit strategy, this is how superpowers become nobodies, the worst military mistake in our history!! Watch China buy and reverse engineer equipment that gave your enemies fear, American time at the top ends right here, international respect slowly disappears For 20 long years it was a war you'd won, now the legacy tells a different outcome, all of those sacrifices can't be undone, yet the terror awaiting us surly will come!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 8/28/2021 3:57:00 PM
Hi Hinshaw, JoeMino and I are the only ones open to the truth. I do not get it. People do not understand the danger we face. I write plenty of poetry on this topic, Nobody cares if we lose our freedoms. Conservatives here hide like scared rabbits, Nick, it is sad!afghanistan is a huge sin. Murder of innocents has just begun.while we pen about nothing? Heartless poetswe are. Save whales? Let humanity die. Hug a tree but Ok to blow up humans! Write jokes as humans perish? Not me. Panagiota A Fave!
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 4/25/2022 8:55:00 AM
I saw your reply Nick! Having a brainless leader in what is going on. His Chiefs of Staff are running us into the toilet, fast. Americans have a chance inNovember to elect an intelligent leader. If you pray, ask for Gods help! Yours, Pangie
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Nick Trim
Date: 8/28/2021 4:10:00 PM
I think it's a turning point in global power and a loss of security. You've got China and Russia both showing interest, that can only be to get there hands on any high-tech military equipment that gave us the edge, they'll get it and they'll catch up, it's not just a war lost or a democracy or even a freedom of Afghans that's been lost, it's potentially the balance of global power and status that's been lost, our safety is less the threat is more, what a ridiculous way for it to end
Date: 8/28/2021 3:15:00 PM
You summed up the current situation so very well, Nick. Biden has screwed up things royally and God help us we have 3 more years of his ineptitude facing us. But mark my words - he and his toadies will BS their way out of all of it and come out smelling like a rose - and of course CNN & MSNBC will support him all the way!
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Nick Trim
Date: 8/28/2021 3:43:00 PM
It's a sad and savage end. The war was lost after it ended... which can only mean it shouldn't have ended. Biden has undone a generations worth of global respect and reliability, I get it was expensive for no direct return but in hindsight there was a return, now it's all been lost. The threat exists with more than it ever had before. Churchill "wars are not won by evacuations"

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