Biden In the History Book
Political leaders take countries to war,
making decisions that are political,
done to ensure they are voted for,
domestic approval and nothing more.
Biden couldn't have got it more wrong,
clearly this President is a total moron,
it doesn't matter how long it's gone on,
you don't just leave if you still belong.
I wonder if Biden even understands,
the world he has left for those Afghans,
the victory clearly that of the Talibans,
how can you not tell your allies the plans!!
Isolating the US from your allies overseas,
with this absolute shambles exit strategy,
this is how superpowers become nobodies,
the worst military mistake in our history!!
Watch China buy and reverse engineer
equipment that gave your enemies fear,
American time at the top ends right here,
international respect slowly disappears
For 20 long years it was a war you'd won,
now the legacy tells a different outcome,
all of those sacrifices can't be undone,
yet the terror awaiting us surly will come!
Copyright © Nick Trim | Year Posted 2021
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