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Beyond What I See

Stare at that dot, that big blue dot that asks, "What do you see?" I see the most important commodity to humans, the earth's oceans, lakes, rivers and streams. Along the horizon, the clear blue skies join with the waters. It appears to be nothing surrounding this sphere. I see the fresh air we breathe in this nothingness. I see the plumage of beautiful tropical birds. Blues, make up the sound of some of the most amazing music. I also see the sadness on this earth, brought on by all the rot of this world. The extraordinarily complexed blue before you, is all around us in this life? So my friends, "What do you see?"

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 1/25/2022 1:44:00 AM
"Blues, make up the sound of some of the most amazing music. " - this reminds me of the movie Fantasia which shows that color, design and music are intertwined. And now you have done this in a magnificent poem, my friend!
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Virginia Gelok
Date: 1/25/2022 12:54:00 PM
You have a way with words that are so kind and cultivating. You help me grow as a poem each time I read your words. Thanks once again.
Date: 12/29/2021 10:40:00 AM
I see an amazing lady that has me appreciating the beauty of the earth more since I read this lovely poem. I have thought about those on the earth when they show pictures from space. It is good to remember all the good on this beautiful planet we are so blessed with!
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Virginia Gelok
Date: 12/29/2021 8:07:00 PM
This is one thing for sure, I seem to learn to appreciate God's amazing universe so much more as I matured. Thankyou for reading my poems.
Date: 12/24/2021 6:10:00 AM
I see a remarkable woman writing genuine poetry...and that's you, Virginia! Stopping by to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy & Healthy New Year! Love & hugs Charlie
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Virginia Gelok
Date: 12/29/2021 8:09:00 PM
Happy New Year Charles. Thankyou for building me up on my writing. I am just learning and realize I just want to be ME in my writing. No coping others, but hopefully learning from all of you. Much appreciated.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things