Being a Tramp Is Giving Me a Cramp
I am a transient and I like it that way
I am a philosopher with intellectual utterances to say
I can’t remain in one place for a very long stay
Because I owe too many dealers money I cannot pay
So if you hear that I’m at someone’s house SIMPLY call me there
Right now I’m at Sophia’s so you can call me here
So tell me brother, what’s the word on the street
Is it safe for Big Black Bruce and I to meet?
“are you crazy man, why not just hop into a fire?
Big Black Bruce thinks you’re a thief and a liar”
Well how about coming to my defense bud?
“hey look, if any is spilled its going to be only your blood”
He’ll let me stay there, but only for a few days
And she’ll allow me to crash there but she has very odd ways
She thinks because we’re together under the same roof
That makes me something I’m not so I act aloof
I have to travel about looking in all directionS at once
I suppose it’s called once a dunce always a dunce
If I had to tell the truth it’s getting tiring to roam
But what do you do when you gave up your family and your home?
© 2011.… cee!~
Copyright © Jeffry Cohan | Year Posted 2011
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