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Beginning of the End

We all get beaten by the hammer of fate Go to bed early or stay up late It don't matter what's your regimen – At a certain juncture the end will begin Beginning of the end Beginning of the end J. F. Kennedy went for a ride One motorcade later, our president had died J. F. Kennedy Junior flew Out in the rain and then he was through Beginning of the end – It’s the beginning of the end. Now everybody gets what's coming his way, I thought I heard the Greek philosophers say Some folks think fate passes them by Well tell that fable to Princess Di – Of the beginning of the end Back in kindergarten, I made a trap Dug a hole near a tree full of sparrows and sap Led a boy there and pushed him in That was the beginning of original sin The road of fury, the pathway of fate – Everybody’s flyin cause everybody’s late An’ there won’t be any pardon at the high golden gate ‘Cause we used our precious time to masturbate Pull yourself over to the side of the road Take a moment to reflect before the engine explodes An’ the drivers pass you by all craning their necks To see the latest and greatest of highway wrecks I’m telling you children, the end ain’t no joke When the whole human forest goes up in smoke And that mansion in Death Valley gets blown to bits ‘Cause the whole world-psyche was on the fritz — That’s the beginning of the end, My beautiful friend.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 8/2/2023 4:38:00 PM
Quite apocalyptic. Hey, uh, the kindergarten thingy wasn't real, right? Jus askin
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Dovoric  Avatar
Keith Dovoric
Date: 8/23/2023 11:07:00 AM
Thanks for the attentive reading! Nah, it's more like a character-composite--

Book: Reflection on the Important Things