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Beginning My Novel

She was sitting in her favorite moment with her chair of comfort; thinking about how he made her feel. With a tingling feeling between her thighs, she gave those lonely walls an erotic smile. It was the first time she met sexuality with a raging vulgarity. Thinking inside her mind. How and when did this happen in the pages of her time to shine. Slipping into the conciousness; in her poets time in rhyming. Then she got up from her chair and laughed deep inside.Thinking apon another space in time. When living was just a lie. Then she laughed again. This time with the mirth of Christmases gone by. As she walked into the kitchen. Her gaze rose to the refrigerator. With the magnet that read " Does this magnet make my butt look big?" Remembering where she bought that; at a flea market. With her children's father in tow. Scowling endearingly in memory of how he made her feel. On that particular day and most days with him. Her mind slipped into that space. She knew in her heart; that relationship had already slipped away. And on the ride home from the flea market. She was inside the car with him driving beside her. That's when she broke free telling herself to run breaking internal boundaries. It was the season of changes in the writing of her life. And she was ready to never glance back. At the relationship of shaming. She told herself that she had the right to fight for her giftedness inside. DEDICATED to CO SCOTT Cold Play. Green Eyes. Song( Not romantic just spiritual love for such a giving manager. Thank you.) Beautiful Pain. song and video by Emimem

Copyright © | Year Posted 2016

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