Before the Summer's Gone
Sweet summer how I love you best
with gardens full in bloom
warmth of your morning day besets
the promise of cool waters soon
Forward see, I look to thee
cool river to carry away
the toil of a labored week now reached
and set my cares to play
Let me drift upon thy current
as beauty donees your banks
dip my toes a stress adjournment
now fill my dry and empty tank
Ah the heat of summer sun
some would dare complain...
Oh no, not floating wild river while sipping coke' n rum
enjoying blessings that came from long the winter rain
Bear on me the summers heat
turn my skin to bronze
light my locks and bare my feet
tis this season I find most fond
Soon the Autumn days will near
it's cool and hurried winds
bowing stocks of corn by ear
begging to be picked
Then I'll praise the Fall of days
it's country roads of colors changed
I'll heed my naps on bales of hay
dreaming of rivers I wish to wade
Good morning summer's sweetest powers
your brilliant blaze aglow
my thanks for all your fragrant flowers
thy refreshing waters too to dip my weary toes
Copyright © Sarai Virden | Year Posted 2014
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