Been Around
I've been around words and I know how to play with them
I can put together anything from a punchline to an anthem
Not of my own making though I'm made for the making
But like a cuisine sizzling, steaming, marinating
You know Shakespeare lived then and I now
With word in season and skill to wow
Imagine how much more God holds
To endow many more men before time folds
And you are such as is endowed as I
But you suppress, downplay or are shy
To be seen as too Godly for conventions
So you surrender fulfilment by many concessions
Play your game like fire is fanned from a flame
Bring out the mystery that brings the wild to tame
Let the gift leave them wondering how and why
Let comprehension fall too low for the Most High
When we bring out the treasure in our earthen vessels
With indelible works which time never wrestles
K. Muitherero
Copyright © Kennedy Muitherero | Year Posted 2023
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