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Because they hate

Paulo was Brazil’s most popular journalist, but the left did pursue He told an American interviewer that the left there "hates you" I found this a puzzle, I asked why, what did we do? But hate has odd wellsprings, and I still have no clue. Brigitte Gabriel lived in a pretty Lebanon town with a hilltop breeze There were school plays, and churches, gardens and fruit trees It was Christian then, Moslems next, Holy war came as fate She wrote a book about what she learned, called "Because They Hate" You might wonder why the title isn't WHY they hate? But hate has its own logic, and the reasoning isn't straight I learned some of this logic too, it has its own rules You don't learn them in Hollywood, or in the schools. The first rule is that weakness invites attack You get friends in odd places, others stab your back Second, the more baddies hurt you, they want to hurt you more If you've already hit bottom you might ask what for? Third if you end up acting the way they force They even punish you for that, though they were the source The victim argument of "what did I do to you" Doesn't work at all, even when its true. All this seems irrational, but some people produce hate The way waterfalls turn turbines, and power generate I read of one U.S. woman kidnapped, led in chains by evil men She asked why, was told "because we hate you", same puzzle again. I do believe there's a reason for everything In some people a distorted brain is the bubbling spring In others perhaps an ideology some fool did start Maybe a moral divide in every heart.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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