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Beauty Pageants For Little Girls

in the sea of lipstick & matching eyeliner you need to check your hands quickly--- oh watchers of beauty pageants for little girls it just might be that you never really developed those thumbs like the rest of us--- as those of us who have been riding that popular wave called evolution tend to avoid these disgusting parades of ridiculous exploitation. if it isn’t clear to you that those who dress up their little girls (as if they were vegas tramps strutting their stuff auctioning off their genitalia like it was going out of fashion) should be dragged out into the street tarred & feathered at best & then strapped in chairs like alex in “a clockwork orange” for the remaining duration of their utterly abhorrent existence, then you should probably go straight to the nearest mirror & stretch those eyes open with your own thumb & index to check out just what kind of psycho you are. are you the jealous kind whose own parents didn’t tell you that you yourself were pretty, so now you need to generate a younger attempt at gaining aesthetic approval from the society of cretins foaming at the mouth? or perhaps you might be a molester in the making whose carnal need to chew up an innocent is growing by the hour? and the pageant mom sits there with so much work done on herself that she rivals that of cher--- she comments to the other lady lunatics that her daughter’s fake tan really brings out the highlights in the extensions that they got together a few days ago--- oh yes, how she “glows”--- and father sits there with one hand rubbing his prick through his pants (can’t wait till’ she gets a little older) while pointing the other at the stage ranting that if she screws up her dance routine this time when they all get home she will practice it until her little feet bleed & as the whole horror marches on hillary goes to another country outside the empire to lecture them on women’s rights considering herself a representative of “western civilization.”

Copyright © | Year Posted 2011

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