Beautiful Black Woman
Chances are
You are beautiful
No need for second glances
You are
Your caramel skin
Your moon glow ivory grin
Mellow brown eyes
Your strong barren thighs
Those perfectly geo-metric breasts
Plum ruby-tan brown lips
God made all of this
Chances are
You are beautiful
No need for second glances
You are
God made you whole
Beautiful black woman
Your intelligent
Your nurturing gifts
sometimes Mother and Father
So much wisdom
Courageous choice
Such a lovely voice
I love the more of you
You are bronze, tan, brown, blacken and blued
Wonderful you
Chances are
You are beautiful
No need for second glances
You are
God made you whole
Beautiful black woman
and I thank God for making you
Beautiful black woman
and I thank God for making you
written words by James Edward Lee Sr.
Copyright © 2018
From anthology “God Made all Woman Beautiful” 2018©
Copyright © James Edward Lee Sr. | Year Posted 2018
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