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Beatitudes Blessings and Commentaries Part Four

Q: 8) What is meant in Matthew 5:8 by " blessed are the pure in heart?" A: To be pure in heart probably also means neither to be defiled or unholy. To be pure in heart born again believers must fully rely upon the purity and the holiness of God not their selves! It means to place the focus of their thought life on whatever is righteous, holy and pure! And of course upon their savior Jesus Christ! Q: What is meant for "they (the pure) in heart shall see God?" A: Without being pure in heart it is impossible to see God! Instead they must be completely purely dedicated to their Lord and their Savior, Jesus Christ, in their thought lives! That is if they love the the Lord their God: with all of their hearts, minds, bodies and souls! They shall indeed see God! Q: 9) What is meant in Mathew 5:9 by "by blessed are the peace makers?" A: The Bible is not talking about the phony peace makers either in national or international functions such as the United Nations! It is referring to people who help to resolve conflicts among people. Not by using ordinary and secular humanistic means! Instead these blessed peace makers are Godly born again believers in Jesus Christ! Q: What is meant by this statement: "for they shall be called the children of God? A: At first we must address the fact that God has both sons and daughters; who fully belong to Him instead of the world or instead of themselves. What God does not have is neither grandsons nor granddaughters. All of those people, that are the peace makers, he declares to be called, the children of God! Q: 10) What is meant in Mathew 5:10 by, "blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness sake?" A: Those saints of the Lord God Almighty are usually persecuted for spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ to the sin hardened hearts of non-believers in Jesus Christ. Persecution can be verbal and or physical. Today, on social media sites, dedicated believers can be cancelled out of our societies. All because of their critics and persecutors will dig up dirt in their pasts usually. As all part of today's cancel culture they are destroyed! Amen! Roxanne Lea Dubarry October Country March 01, 2022

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