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It’s a difficult thing to understand, Maybe takes some explaining, But Beasting was a tradition, Just a part of military training Helping turn the raw recruit Into one who understands The necessity to obey quickly Possibly life saving commands. The other end of my working life, My last desperate job, Working under the control of a Manic bullying yob. He would daily select his victim, Apparently with glee, And then verbally harass them For all the rest to see. You could see them almost tremble Until the victim was named Then visibly relax with relief as he Was duly publicly shamed. Day after day they took it, His almost hysterical raves Reasonably well paid but I’ll treated wage slaves. In due course it came to my turn And I just walked out Leaving behind me his astonished And very angry shout. I didn’t return to work until All the others had gone When I explained to him the reason Why I’d done what I’d done. Although they were his workers They had the right to expect Courtesy and consideration and To be treated with respect. I could see he was a little upset, Had that look on his face, Must have been a long time since Anybody had put him in his place. I must say I expected him to Tell me I was to be fired But he kept his distance and Eventually I retired. When I left apparently he continued With his strange management style And still the staff put up with His daily invective and bile When you’ve faced a Sergeant Major You’ve been beasted by the best. But he was just a beginner Not even much of a test The very worst he could’ve done Was sack me at the end of the day, A Sergeant Major could sling a man In the cells and throw the key away. In the military Beasting has it’s place, Crazy as it may seem, Part of the common experience to help Build a competent team. But, in civilian work and life There really isn’t any excuse It’s just inexcusable bullying And unjustified abuse

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 3/26/2023 9:01:00 AM
Very well written Terry and a good lesson on how to deal with bullies in the workplace. Have a wonderful afternoon my friend.
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Ireland Avatar
Terry Ireland
Date: 3/28/2023 1:41:00 AM
Thanks Daniel - eventually he got his just desserts.
Date: 3/26/2023 1:18:00 AM
Ahh I've worked in places like this, done slightly differently where you would wonder why the day was ok and it was because someone else had the brunt. Despicable behaviour. Both times the bully eventually left to 'pursue other ventures'
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Ireland Avatar
Terry Ireland
Date: 3/28/2023 1:42:00 AM
Thanks Dill. So sad when this happens

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