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Battling Time

I would have been here sooner But I got in a fight with time And lost you see. It wasn't fair. I slept in a little bit, and it started his day way before me. I asked him where he would be about 2 or 3. And he said he would be around. I didn't know he meant around 9 or 10. Thats that last place I thought he would be found. I tried to catch up, but he's quick on his feet. Racing ahead while I stumble and greet the moments I missed, slipping through my grasp. Leaving me wondering how long will this last? He laughs when I plan, he's always ahead While I chase the hours I should have instead set my alarm. But he just rolls his eyes. Apparently time doesn't do compramise. Now I'm here though I've lost track of when (was it morning or evening again?) But don't worry I've got a new trick to try. I will fight him again after one last goodbye. So I will make a new pact. No more chasing him down. Instead I will slow it all right here right now. I bought a new watch, and set it to see. That now time has to start watching me!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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