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Battle Rages On

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This poem the Battle Rages On," I wrote for some of my friends out there who are fighting internal struggles and unseen battles that many people face in this world. I wanted it to show the internal war for inner peace that we most of us experiences. It's a silent struggle we all share even if it is not visible to others. The hidden burdens that reflect the mask people wear, hiding their true feelings and burdens. My poem should encourages empathy, urging not to judge others for the struggles they hide. It highlights the importance of kindness and understanding. Also hope and strength through the darkness and doubts because I believe there is still fragile hope and strength found within these struggles.?

Within the heart, a battle rages on, Some rise victorious, others overthrown. A war unseen, a fight for inner peace, A silent struggle, that knows no release. We see the smiles, the masks they wear, But cannot fathom the burdens they bear. For each of us, a battlefield we hold, A tapestry of triumphs, stories that are left untold. Some journeys long, some paths so steep, Where shadows linger and darkness creeps in. They fight the demons, the doubts that bind, A fragile hope, a wavering mind. Oh, judge them not, the wounds they hide, Their battles fought, where tears reside. For in their struggle, a strength is found, A spirit valiant, on hallowed ground. Though paths be dark, and hope may fade, Let kindness bloom, let love pervade. For God stands near, so follow the path. And others too, will share the light. To all my friends or family members that are fighting against mental health or drug abduction.) 2024

Copyright © | Year Posted 2025

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