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Met a boy of about four standing in the foyer Of local restaraunt.He was standing in front of a machine that after eating your quarter would give you a reading of your emotional bearing after placing your hand on a hand shaped metal plate. A light began to climb up a scale stopping between eight and ten.Turning to me a stranger he beemed, "It says I am happy !" Now ol Abe Lincoln said we are as happy as we make up our minds to be.Let us now consider his life.He lost a child,was married to a certified Claxton fruitcake,that he had the misfortune of loving,was banned from ten states during the election due to his ideas on slavery,and dealt with being commander in chief during the grisly civil war.Through it all he was able to maintain the idea that happiness was attainable by choice,by the contract made with God in appreciation for the gift of life,and with oneself that it will be no other way. You go kid ! Glad at such a tender age you understood what many never do.Though I suppose the determined to be sad could equate his looking to the machine ,an external source,was incorporated in his self audit.I was there and saw his face and knew the climbing flashing light was no beacon used to keep him from the rocks of despair,as in if thus and such is in place I will be happy,but was instead a reflection ,a validating mirror of the light he himself carried within.A billboard on Broadway presenting to the world in flashing lights "Happy Kid" .

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 2/10/2024 7:17:00 PM
And we call him 'Honest Abe.' How 'bout that?
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Vickey Rhymer
Date: 2/14/2024 10:33:00 AM
Come to think of it I never saw a picture of him he didn't look just miserable in.

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