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Barney Hilda and Clyde

Meet the happy couple That's Hilda all in white Barney's there beside her Loves her with all his might They're an interracial couple No problem nowadays Frowned on not too long ago But today it's a-okay Met at the local horse saloon Frequented by the equine crowd She was a pretty show horse He was boisterous and loud Pretty soon, she tamed him Settled him down just fine Any filly would be proud to say That stud over there is mine Soon, a couple of months go by Hilda's expecting a son The happy couple race around High hoof-ing everyone Had a colt, called him Clyde So proud of their little guy Running through peaceful pastures Then off to the clouds they fly You can see this happy couple at night When you view the evening sky The three stars south of Orion Are Barney, Hilda and Clyde

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 1/24/2021 5:30:00 AM
Lol, seeing that constellation at the moment, a sign winter is here. Didnt know they were called that lol.
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Ellison Avatar
Jack Ellison
Date: 1/24/2021 5:52:00 AM
Yup... it's true! Sounds like a fairy tale eh! LOL

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