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Poet’s Note : Robertson & Ashton are two small wine producing towns in the Karoo of South Africa. Robertson is known as the Town of Roses & Wine because it is exceedingly beautiful, yet the wealth discrepancies between the farm owners & their workers remain vast, even to this day. I worked on a small fruit farm in Robertson managing a guesthouse & witnessed extreme dualities between rich & poor. BAREFOOT BROWN KIDDIES The road from a town of Roses and Wine to its little sister Ashton is littered with brown barefoot kiddies eating Niknaks Pappas remain addicted to Lieberstein Mamas continue to slave in guest houses blond boss ladies do their hair or paint nails purple a Makarov and it’s bullets are memories in the Dust of Fate Robertson farms remain governed by pale males Ashton fields despondent in colonial clutches of wealth they continue to concoct “Best Reds in the World” some drink that new bourgeoisie refine their taste buds with when struggle days are long gone nonchalant barefoot brown kiddies run annual races from Ashton to Robertson ignorant of good food or any vote achieved Neither am I happy or sad ©GhairoDanielsPoetry 2011

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Date: 3/7/2025 8:39:00 PM
The gap between 'haves and have- nots' is alarmingly wide. The vineyards are owned by white people. They fatten drinking the best wine, while their laborers slog like slaves. Their little boys and girls walk barefoot trudging several miles between Ashton and Robertson. A heart touching poem, dear Ghairo. You are truly gifted.
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Ghairo Daniels
Date: 3/8/2025 1:33:00 AM
ThkU Valsa. You have accurately interpreted this offering. I appreciate your read. Love you lots. X
Date: 3/7/2025 9:24:00 AM
Oh wow dear poetic soul, i just realized after reading this that you are from the very beautiful South Africa! How lucky! And how well written is this! You are such a gifted poet, and you weave words in such a seamless manner! I cant get over the line “ memories in the Dust of Fate ” so poetic and beautiful! So descriptive how youv written this too! Always a pleasure reading your work! And seeing you post here! Sending you light always!
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Ghairo Daniels
Date: 3/7/2025 7:18:00 PM
THANKYOU Inky. And when I read your poems, I think you reflect your beautiful Maldives too. Showers of Light your way too. PS Maldives is on my bucket list. X

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