Ballad of Dreams Two: Insidious Darkness Part One
started May 2013, completed 08.06.2013 (miss placed memory stick I had it saved on... oops)
A wasteland of empty space, void of light
A fearsome nowhere, a darkness not even night
Can this really be the realm I once called home
The broken empty caverns, the dying light of chrome
Nothing appears to make much sense in this version
Doubtful whispers taunting the air. A fearful incursion
A fearsome empty air, nothing can penetrate not even light,
a foul beast; dark, darker, darker, than night...
How long it has been since I've seen the blanked face friend
I know not; I wander in this dark wasteland with no hope for end
Caverns empty and broken with light that's dying...dying, dying
and a sound is heard, faint, but much like crying, crying, so much crying
I cannot make sense of it all, in the darkness I see that red bird of old
Perched on it's roof top in a nest of straw made of gold
the fantasy realm that turned into this nightmare reality
what happened? What happened-I have nothing but uncertainty
Beneath the realm of Reality
Lies a secret- a world of fantasy
fantasy, fantasy...fantasy burns away into boiling nightmares
a world that burned in black flares
Reality reality when did my reality burn into this fright fest
Delving into a vast world of the unknown-no rest no rest
feasting eyes, festering eyes bleeding...bleeding eyes
make them stop make them stop STOP THE CRIES!
Where protector have you gone
was I right to worry about you all along
was it you who brought to this insidious darkness
inside this foul..foul, foul, foul beast-the prince of darkness
My faith in you demon protector has died
my heart heart has cracked, and my heart has cried
I never knew why I loved you
Everything was so new...
Demon demon, master of fright, I implore thee
Why have you imprisoned me
here in this, the emptiest place of my mind
where nothing, not even light, can find
Why....why did I ever love you
Did you love me too
you never did say but still foolishly I fell
but silently, silently silently...there was nothing left to tell
You promised, promised, promised your return to me
but still, the darkness, the black, the fear is all I see
The hooded mystery is gone as well
And still...there is nothing left to tell
A wasteland of empty space, void of light
A fearsome nowhere, a darkness not even night
Can this really be the realm I once called home
The broken empty caverns, the dying light of chrome
Copyright © Rebecca Larkin | Year Posted 2013
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