Bald Eagle
Bald Eagle
I am rowing my boat along Crimson Locke
Up high near the top of a crevice of rocks
My loyal companion does see a long beagle
Which we both then see is a nest of an eagle.
The eagle does turn and thrust its beak into its nest
Watching its young while they are all at rest
The eagle is a proud mom and spreads its proud wings
She’s protecting the young of how her love sings.
She’s gracious of beauty of all heavenly birds
God is out watching and talking of heavenly words.
The bald eagle soars up through the sky
To hunt for food to feed their young
So they can survive and not have to die.
God is protecting all living things
He gave the bald eagle majestic wings.
Written: July 13, 2014
Theresa Marie Hummingbird
Copyright © Theresa Cw | Year Posted 2015
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