Badnews Suspension
It helps me to optimize possible health-improving wealth outcomes
by temporarily suspending disbelief
we have each chosen to be spiritually reborn into
each and every WinWin opportunity
to optimize mutual healthy-wealth
naturally developed for cooperatively-owned
and integratively managed
personal enrichment
extending families
and communal celebrations of global WinWin outcomes.
Outcomes more transparent
while listening to outdoor climate voices
speaking together
of what we have Win/Lose experienced
to transform Lose/Lose disasters
into Win/Win opportunities
hoped and faithed so far
With a good faith WinWin Trust
and good-humored WinLose curious mistrust
and courageous LoseLose grief and suffering distrusting doubt
how wildly unreasonable
an intuited healthy climate assumption
could naturally/spiritually become
epic conjoining of anthro-centric patriarchal/matriarchal history
within ego-centric me and you and you and you
WinWin experiential opportunity becoming GoldenRule here
to cooperatively matriarchal rule
with each WinWin receptive student-speaking/teacher-listening.
Good faith gospel saints
need not be historically accurate about divine vocations
to accurately warn against anti-historical untrue and faithless,
spiritually competitive and anti-ecological
agnostic theological degenerators.
Good faith cooperative development
does not require anyone to permanently surrender
BadFaith armaments
Defending against return ballistic experiences past
supremely violent absence of GoodNews Integrity Education,
or even CoOperative Information Networks
for Student/Teachers
researching PositivEnergy resilient health trends
listening/speaking among our multicultural selves.
But, when we deliberately gather indoor/outdoor voices to grow life,
health-invested wealth care
giving and receiving--
Please join us in creating active experiential Trust space
against LoseLose ballistic indoor-voices
of past punishment zones
And for WinWin indoor/outdoor discussing cooperative ZeroZones
Communal multicultural GoodNews teaching-students
have each experientially chosen to grow this TimeOut Space
cooperatively together
regenerating self-optimizing health-wealth hopes
as WinWin play
Possible by at least temporarily suspending LoseLose losses
of predicted climate pathology experience
with past suffering and terror,
paranoia and isolation,
disabling labels
of mental unnatural spiritual illness
and, in some anti-WinWin theological squares
marching against unredeemable sin,
violence and predation against LeftBrain dis-utility
hoarding capital ego-investments
Yet not passionately for RightBrain optimization
for inviting WinWin Eco-CoOperative Resilience.
A higher wealth priority
for GoodNews health space
feeling more wealthy WinWin courageous
ReCreation Stories of cooperative natural/spiritual Grace.
Transposition of Isaiah 42:3:
Earth will not crush
more cooperative ego-empty reeds
Or extinguish a flickering Humane/Divine Species.
She restores cooperative matriarchal justice
to all competitively patriarchal wronged,
Left disabled labeled
to uncompetitively compete
for unprivileged polluted crumbs
of WinWin righteous grace.
Copyright © Gerald Dillenbeck | Year Posted 2018
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