Baby Slurps Kibble With Cat
They snuggled, wrestled, patted, hugged, slept and ate together.
Growing from babies to toddlers in all kinds of weather.
We brought out this photo and our daughter stared with horror.
You are as bad as the grandma who lives next door!
This is unhealthy, despicable, awful, terribly unclean.
The cat on her lap gave me a feline stare that was mean.
When you were little, it was the only way you would eat.
We thought it was hilariously funny, and kind of sweet.
MOM! She said, I am a doctor; this is unclean and bad.
She truly is the prissiest child that we ever had.
Her daughter got on the floor and shared a dish with our dog.
I made a flying leap toward her, looking like a spastic erratic frog.
What are you trying to cover up? Ms. Persnickety asked.
Let’s have a drink! Yelled my husband, taking out a wine flask.
We did not want to be limited to the time we could see her babe.
She might be a doctor, but she is not as nice as our older son Abe.
Copyright © Caren Krutsinger | Year Posted 2021
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