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Poetic Form: Narrative
Inspired: 2024 April 03
Babel, Bait, Blame, Blank Check Poetry Contest
Contest Judged: 2024
Sponsored by: Sotto Poet
Image: N/A
[REVISED 2024 April 04]
Shinar, some know as Mesopotamia, others as Assyria,
near the Euphrates River, a midday sun cast doubts of
a weakened shade made idle by the pause of its agile
host, named Nimrod, son of Cush, grandson of Ham,
and Noah's great-grandson. No sign of depletion, hence
the shade returns to motion.
Nimrod is the soul ruler of the land of Shinar, host to
several ancient cities, one was called, Babel. Scripturally,
Nimrod was said to be a great hunter, and that would be
the length of it. Jewish and Christian texts are not able
to agree whereupon Nimrod's entry into the historical
record books other than what has been escribed in the
scriptures of the Talmud and the Bible, albeit, elements of
foreign records have cluttered historical accountabilities
and further strengthened pre-existing ambiguities, thusly,
a genre of conjectures misleads, and misinterpretations,
have made authenticity and accuracy to remain divided.
There are numerous variances, such as those accounts
between Jewish and Islamic customs or beliefs from
generation to generation, concerning Nimrod's and of
Abraham's first encounter, from that of a subliminal
meeting of minds, to the simplicity of a gnat that had
overwhelmed the mighty forces of Nimrod's army by
entry into his brain's that affected his abilities.
The accounts of Josephus concerning King Amraphel
whom Abraham did battle in Genesis, was Nimrod. The
Tower of Babel was built by the people whom King
Amraphel, being Nimrod, had ruled, and by that being
such, gave rise to Nimrod ordering the building of the
Tower in Babel. The Christian Bible does naught mention
that other than he, Nimrod, was a great hunter. I
believe it would have stabilize Josephus' claims.
Copyright © Hilo Poet | Year Posted 2024
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