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Baal-Peor Revisited

Fork in a rattler tongue, knife in hooded cobra veiled hand Silver spoon boa stomach demand, air insatiable adder lung Squeeze some more blood juice out of the acidic voice fermented grapes Hate poisoned liver-flavored pâté crepes, pretzel logic is a spaghetti noose Feast on a plate of lust of covetousness, make the greed rise Leaven loving eyes only feed the poor mouths charity less Get the Balaam onion bread piping hot out of the Oval ovens Carrot and spuds tweet muffins, parrot-roasted talking heads Famine feast on them whore drumstick fake legs, devouring those naked breast dressings Ask Baal for even more bowel blessings, as your congregation of the dead coffin cake begs Revisit the sham Shittim place, where the gluttonous in heart fell belly up, and the murmurers had their last lust sup: A Baal-peor bloated quail face

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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