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B C a Flame

B. C. A Flame ---------------------------------------------- All day long, we are under this orb, orangey, pink in hue. We see it through the ghosts, the essences we once knew. Helios, on his voyage over this blanket of cremated life, flies. Unfortunately, only he, not we, doth see beautiful blue skies while we, under this monstrously heavy blanket of gray, have yet been able to view a cloud or a clear blue sky day. B . J .“ A ” 2 October 5th 2017

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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Date: 9/30/2017 2:27:00 PM
Sounds like my sky. Try hard to not let it depress. Good write.
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Cresswell Avatar
Patricia Cresswell
Date: 10/2/2017 11:01:00 PM
I live in south central Ontario> nNo fires but day after day of grey wet days.
Atfield Avatar
William J. Jr. Atfield
Date: 10/1/2017 11:55:00 AM
Good morning Patricia Cresswell : Thank you for taking the time to read my stuff and for the “ Good write. ”, compliment . Does this “ Sounds like my sky. ” mean that you reside somewhere in BC or Alberta where the forests and cities where being burned to the ground by this summer forest fires ???, or some other area that has been effected by forest fires ??? If so ???, then I am able to understand why “ Try hard to not let it depress. ” . B. J. “A” 2 {{ Bill .}}

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