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Awol At the Aorta Part Ii

Now I hear the sound, as I hear the rifles, That went off as I walked on the day, We'd lay you to rest, as I tried my best, To stay strong for dad in a way, I hear the sound, a gun going off, I'm left silent, weaping in my room, I cry for my fallen soldier, who's mind was shattered, When he raised a gun to you He pulled out a gun, Before the rising sun, And no longer, would my sister be, Then pulled out a gun, When he couldn't out run, Officers with disparity, Awol at the aorta, ripped vein from the source, Now their hearts sleep peacefully, Silent, I cry...dare ask God why, My soldier was taken from me In honor of my beautiful sister ~Live, laugh, love~

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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