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Awoke With Existential Nihilism Since Birthday One

(Otherwise titled poetic gobbledygook trot - oven chilly cooked confusion eliciting faint thanks a lot unbeknownst this tasteless, senseless, rhymeless... lettered Rorschach test tease I jot interpretation, viz hitting analogously like amorphous melted ingot watch yourself... d's lines iz still smok'n HOT, now I puzzle regarding how to extricate mess elf aye got into try'n to strut and trumpet hightailing to Hong Kong entrepôt yea, that dot on the map embroiled - in political fracas fifteen minutes of fame Andy Warhol didst allot every man, woman, and child even no bot tee like me.) Anyway... when zombie like, I try to dead reckon eyes purposefulness astride oblate spheroid nsync with other gals and guys either one, t'other or all mask cue lated in disguise impossible mission to triangulate Euclid say logic defies to comprehend gibberish no matter how much you scrutinize his highness, qua shape shifting imperfect square stumps any tree men douse great mind to analyze me skewering, marinating, gunning... decries abiding any logical positivism queries best addressed to Lord of the Flies since nary handy dandy blues clues, I opted out thus... rubbish provided to synthesize random words helter skelter strewn to symbolize absent any rhyme or reason courtesy handy matted figurative trapezoid doth employ no paradigm to exercise leaving comprehension after mine demise so go ahead chastise cuz I already know, never will said poetry win apprize.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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