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Away 'cross the Ocean

Away ‘cross the ocean I’m longing to be To stand in the land that His eyes always see A land that gives fruit to the people of Yah Yields blessings to all those to guard the Torah Away ‘cross the ocean, that land is unique Both pagans and pilgrims all want her, and seek A piece of Mount Zion, a claim to that place But who can go up there? Those given His grace Away ‘cross the ocean where war never ends Where strength for the fight is not found in men’s hands Through promise and wonders His people survive Where Yah chose to reign, and His Words come alive Away ‘cross the ocean within a good land My lot has been promised by royal command Behold—desolation! Oh, see the land yearn! The cities and mountains await our return Away ‘cross the ocean my heritage waits Oh, how my heart longs for those beautiful gates! One day I shall live there and see the rebirth Of Zion, dear city, where heaven meets earth a sequel to “My Heart’s across the Ocean”

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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