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Avadhuta Gita Chapter 1 verses 10, 11

10. “I, the One only, am all this, beyond space and continuous. How can I see the Self as visible or hidden?” 11. “Thus you are One. Why then do you not understand - that you are the unchangeable One, equally perceived in all? O mighty One, how can you, who are ever-shining, unrestricted, think of day and night?” we are containerised in form and hemmed in by space-time yet deep within cave of our heart resounds God’s sublime bliss chime we tip toe in therein in staid silence bereft of thought our eye is single undifferentiated is awareness as bliss pheromones mingle all manifestations disappear we peer through the pores space light of Self renews itself within itself truth is known by benediction of grace in truth the false that died never was the ego is but an earth life interface all that is is but light of Self alone holding reflections in embrace

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Date: 7/17/2024 7:18:00 AM
...all you are be it...
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Unseeking Seeker
Date: 7/17/2024 7:22:00 AM
Your comment reads like a zen koan :)

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