Autum's Farewell
Autumn’s Farewell
A chill wind rustles through tree branches
Shaking the last of the dying, shriveled leaves,
Softly floating to the ground,
Contributing to the symphony of
Autumn’s farewell when walked upon..
Squirrels dart about foraging for fallen nuts.
Summer’s bright afternoon sun
Gives way to Autumn’s brooding light
Fading earlier each day in anticipation
Of season’s end and of the chill and
Darkness ahead, with the last leaf
Falling helplessly and inexorably
To the ground.
Spring and Summer’s delight
Fade into memory… as if a fairy tale…
To conjure up when in the midst
Of the clutch of Winter’s icy spell,
Watching our hopes and dreams
Lying crumpled and faded
Under Winters first snowfall.
Oh beautiful Autumn, I feel your pain
Your once glorious mantle of gold…
Your majestic leaves a virtual
Kaleidoscope of breathtaking hues,
Banished from our sight forever.
But like our youth…the memory
Will live in our hearts forever!
Copyright©2011 Beatrice Boyle
(All rights reserved)
For Carol Brown's contest - Leaves, Leaves, Leaves.
Copyright © Beatrice Boyle | Year Posted 2011
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