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Autumn At Sunset

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At twilight’s ease of dusk the autumn leaves do flutter in the Evening breeze, trickling downwards across inspirations canvas, Creating a multicolored cascade at sunset, a leafy rainbow clasping From the tree tops heights, than blowing wildly astray on the breathe Of the winds! Limbs sway on the alpine mountain sides, as the evergreens slightly bend Unto mother natures will, hush now and listen to the weeping willow’s cry, For winters chill lies in the late mid-afternoons approaching air, the horizons Portrait of seasonal change is a wonderment to behold, in silences frozen stance Of exceptional beauty. Near the streams watery edge, the reeds whisper the night’s song of opulence, Spreading through the tall grasses left untamed and untrampled by mankind, For here the wilderness experience is freedom’s rambling call, and nature is At her greatest beauty that is of the wild and born free! Floating leavenings of summer ride upon rippling rapids tide, As the foaming spray collides against the rocky shoreline, Seemingly limbless tiny multicolored ships sailing on this mountainous river Ocean, are these autumn leaves cast freely from there earth bound Mothers, whom roots lie deeply planted within generations of topsoil! The chattering of scampering squirrels collecting the last of their Wintery nuts storehouse echo throughout the forest, as the rams Climb the vast dividal steps, ever upwards towards the high mountain glens. Below the mighty wolf packs hunt, howling within the dark hollowed Timbers, in this wild country called America! In the native camping grounds the human tribes gather together, Thanking mother earth for the bounty of a good summers hunting, And for their safe passages travel, these are the sacred people of this land. Behold in blessings graduated, the splendor of celebrations dancing, amongst The fires side feasting, as the embers of tradition float high upwards, Towards their great fathers eternal flame! In the trappers cabin family’s settle, as the bubbling kettle tops to the Boiling whistle, soon the feasting shall begin to thank the lord almighty, That all whom dwell within are well and healthy, and are gather together Once more, in this pioneering country beneath the Blue Ridge Mountains, Of God’s magnificent canvas of wild beauty! At twilight’s ease of dusk the autumn leaves do flutter in the Evening breeze, trickling downwards across inspirations canvas, Creating a multicolored cascade at sunset, a leafy rainbow clasping From the tree tops heights, than blowing wildly astray on the breathe Of the winds! BY: CHERYL ANNA DUNN

Copyright © | Year Posted 2015

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Date: 11/9/2015 4:01:00 AM
enchanting as autumn's rare beauty, cherl... much enjoyed!..huggs
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Date: 11/8/2015 3:13:00 PM
you are on top there my dear
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