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August Anthem

Blueberries rushing down five at a time from loaded branches tom-tom the bottom of a coffee can until growing numbers mute the beat. Super pickers fill two cans an hour in bumper season. Pies and muffins march from ovens and cereal looks richer than a lapis crown. In blueberry time we reach to the highest hoards. On these gems of the Sun we feast like lords.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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Date: 4/3/2023 7:34:00 PM
Hello Bill. I was surfing around tonight and found your darling poem. It's such a fun one. It brought back memories of picking blueberries when I was little. Then you couldn't hide the fact that you were eating as you picked, because your fingers were stained blue, after just a few. "Pies and muffins march from ovens" smells good. Love this line, yummy.
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