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Atheists Rhapsody

Life is beautiful, but how about afterlife? This prominent atheist downgraded all my hopes for meeting with lost relates and close ones and eternal life with my love in Edem or eternal suffering with my enemies in Hell. It is really awful for truly believers one day lost all hopes for hopes, There are no Hell, no Paradise, no reincarnation, no escaping, no ressurection. Comlete darkness before and after. That truth equal to submit all Death of Deaths, when come clearly understanding that you are never meet more with mother, that you have not other chance to be a director of company, or lieder of nation, or savior of nation, that no one saint or prophets descend to you with kind word in you last instances. He didn’t deny God but explained him from the point of evolution theory, If he really existed he dwelled in frame of scienctific process as some superhuman creature. How long I prepared for grand miracle and Judging day? And now I perfectly informed and got intrinsic prove that I am the greatest luck or mistake and nothing more instead in this cool mathematical explaining and expanding Universe.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2014

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