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Astral Visitations

Often, after a day of walking in and out of my mind, I will put on a nightcap, it's not a substantial cap like a bobble hat it's more a cowl, a hood, a cloud-basket. Beneath this dark covering thoughts lay down to rest in early graves. Beyond a high hedge of time astral lights flicker. An inner sky gleams a starry gloaming, I grope for a rope to climb ascend - become - appear. Now I can travel like a spy balloon floating remotely guided into other sleeping heads. Now a secret I have never told myself: A few nights only, I enter another person’s dreaming thoughts startling eyes that are not mine. I can visit a strangers life, share a nightmare or catch a distant memory rehearsing its pain or joy once more. It is a trick of immortality to be this short-lived. This free-wheeling and head-loose. Come the bald-faced light the night cap spins away like a thrown frisbee, it is only then that I don't believe a word of myself.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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