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Asked and Answered - An Echo Poem

HOW I WOULD DESCRIBE MYSELF People often say to me “What can you tell me about yourself” guess it’s my duty to explain to them and so I look them in the face and reply My eyes are deep like two tiny oceans just be careful you don’t drown in them you’ll never reach the bottom and there’s not a beach in sight My arms and legs are a library ruined by several scars each one tells its own story of how it came to be but none can be bothered to read it My mind is a battle field full of the tangled wreckage of ancient conflicts parts of it are like covered with mines each one a painful memory every now and then a fresh war will start bringing new carnage and suffering the remains they leave are left to rot in the sun only to be consigned to the past My personality is a broadsword razor sharp and straight to the point it only can be wielded by me the blade is often glowing letting you know how genuine I am My honesty is a radiant beacon shining like a miniature sun it helps my truth stay pure through this life never dimming or even going out My truth is a shotgun let me give you both barrels a useful weapon in this life of deception because I have no space for lies or cheating no bull trash will ever stand in for it My patience is a tranquil lake surrounded by many beautiful trees every tree is in full bloom in a variety of colours yet when the leaves and petals fall they make not even a ripple on the water there's always time in this peaceful place and none of it can be wasted by those who deserve it Yet my temper is a volcano often smoking as a warning to others sometimes it will blow its top for a while but its often short lived unless the lava runs in which case be somewhere else My happiness is a meadow on a summer’s day full of millions of flowers each one living in harmony the stems bowing slightly in the gentle breeze My love is like a huge blanket soft and comforting to those who feel it let me wrap it round your shoulders and it will keep you safe and warm My loyalty is a lovable dog always faithful always there as long as you stay true it'll love you but it will turn on you if you abuse it I have described myself as best I can now you know a little about me it’s time for the favour to be returned what will you tell me about you John Westlake April 11, 2014 _________________________________ WHO I AM I wish I could be clearer too But when a mirror comes to view I find reflections blur the tons Of promises I've yet to keep. The virtues to which I aspire Just kindling in God's cleansing fire A testament to what I've spent In daytime dreams before I sleep. At times my eyes are shallower Than tadpole bog from summer shower But there’s a depth in self-less mirth That fathoms ocean’s honesty! I have my scars and injuries Reminders that I sometime please With sad stories and past glories For which there is no amnesty. I don’t take pride in vanquished foes Or stealthy night walks on my toes, The charges led, the grateful dead, Aren’t bullet marked on résumé. Yes, memories of past wars hurt And new one's benefits seem curt, The battles won, the killing done And winning joy's naiveté. In personality a spark Of servanthood, like Noah’s ark, Yet to serve God, His judgment odd, World lost to save humanity. And honestly how can this stand, This horrifying reprimand Where saints all fail and demons wail, Is Justice too insanity? But Bible’s truth is Parable And God’s Love not unbearable Though we may fret, bemoan our debt, God's Justice earned, but Grace God’s gift. Though truth may not be found in me In loving God I can be free, My sails are full, sin’s lost its pull, My restless heart no more adrift. Direction comes with good intent, And peace the fruit of time well spent, Green pastures call, demand my all, My patience ripples on a lake. For service is a restful noise, Like one the wind in leaves employs Ripples caress, service redress Wounds of a soul lost on the take. Sure I’ve a temper, hear me roar, But keep your gun locked in its drawer My passions vent, my anger spent, I’ll soon be sleeping like dead tree. My happiness the world of Pooh With flowers that are meant for two, Or three or four, open the door, Here friendship has no enemy! My love a cloud embracing all Its form envelopes like a shawl, With scent of earth, infusing worth, Dew drops condensing on a rose. I’m loyal like no one you’ve seen, Like color in an evergreen, Put doubt aside, embrace the pride Of emperor without his clothes. I’ve tried to do sir what you asked But you did set me quite a task Hope that you see, something of me, In my poor effort at this verse. And now as I am close to done, I swear it’s been a lot of fun, Though poetry’s not rocketry, Well, hell, my friend, it could be worse! Brian Johnston March 3, 2015 Poet's Notes: My poem 'WHO I AM' is an Echoed response to a popular poem on by the poet John Westlake called 'How I Would Describe Me.'

Copyright © | Year Posted 2015

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