Arrogance of the Poetry
The poem always kisses on my lips,
Sometimes it wakes me up from my bed.
It doesn't let me sleep,
It wants to talk with me.
The poem always kisses on my lips,
Sometimes it hits on my chest
It doesn't let me sleep,
It wants to talk with me.
The poem always kisses on my lips,
Sometimes it forces me to write something.
It doesn't let me sleep,
It wants to talk with me.
The poem always kisses on my lips,
Sometimes it tries to tear my shirt
It doesn't let me sleep.
It wants to talk with me.
The poem always kisses on my lips
Sometimes it forces me to go out side.
It doesn't let me sleep,
It wants to talk with me.
The poem always kisses on my lips,
Sometimes it shows me its naked body,
It doesn't let me sleep.
It wants to talk with me.
Copyright © Md Shahadat Hossain | Year Posted 2017
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