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Aromatic Garden

Memories flood my mind with glee sweet aromatic smell of fresh cut grass reminds me of childhood young and free, father a young man, my mother sweet lass, we would sit on our lawn lemonade in glass, mother and father sitting in their deck chairs I’m perched on his knee, relaxed by strong smell of brylcreem from his long thick raven black hair which complimented fresh cut grass so well nasal delights, feel safe protected, wrongs dispel, those summer days in our garden of loveliness perfume filled the air from old English rose content, totally relaxed by warmth and stillness now our garden all tidy, mother and father doze in shade provided by fragrant weeping willows. 3/15/2018

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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Date: 3/23/2018 5:04:00 PM
Roy, I lost myself in your lovely poetic reverie of you as a lad with your Mum and Dad during summer days in your garden with memorable and beautiful scents. A captivating and alluring poem, my friend. Warmest wishes.. ~Susan
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Roy Pett
Date: 3/23/2018 5:52:00 PM
Thank you so much for your very kind comment Susan, your support and encouragement is really appreciated. :))
Date: 3/16/2018 7:24:00 AM
Great verse Roy , that took me back , when I was a young boy I used to use brylcream lol, dont need it now. GL in the contest. Tom
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Roy Pett
Date: 3/16/2018 2:47:00 PM
Thank you for your very kind comment and best wishes Tom, I’ve no need for brylcreem but still love the smell of it, thanks again for your support much appreciated.
Date: 3/15/2018 1:08:00 PM
The smell of fresh cut grass, enjoying lemonade, and all the beauty the garden brings! Ahhh...who could ask for more!
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Roy Pett
Date: 3/15/2018 3:47:00 PM
I couldn’t agree more Kim, I love the smell of freshly cut grass. :))
Date: 3/15/2018 11:02:00 AM
Enjoyed the trip through your aromatic garden. Awesome details of leisure with family..well written, Roy!
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Roy Pett
Date: 3/15/2018 12:52:00 PM
Thank you so much for your very kind comment Vijay, really pleased you enjoyed this, thanks again for your support. :))

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