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nasty smells drift across the fields Especially from the cess pit, oh how yucky when spread on fields certainly not helping, nor does passing a cow who gives off a stinky reeking fart how gross. The saving grace was sweet smells coming from the kitchen and highly scented flowers. rose highly scented sweet meadow hay gives aroma lark singing on high

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Date: 12/19/2023 11:30:00 AM
Your haibun takes the reader on a journey through a range of smells, both unpleasant and delightful. The candid mention of nasty smells drifting across the fields, especially from the cesspit, adds a touch of reality and a sense of discomfort. The mention of spreading it on fields and encountering a cow emitting a 'stinky recking fart' adds a humorous yet gross dimension to the scene... It is like you were there lol...
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Shadow Hamilton
Date: 12/19/2023 11:37:00 AM
ty very much SO yes I think I got it right by your comments hugs Shadow

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