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Arm Wrestling With Fate

My guru carries a set of brass knuckles you'd think he'd be all yes sir and no sir but instead I get ahah hoho and egad I can't do anything right on my best day and I have the branding iron scars to prove it tattooed in diagonals like barricade tape Hank's Motor Cottages Sleep With Hank yes that's his name my guru Hank he just told me to say menacing presence instead of the more benign guru baba a strange man a man of banal mystery it is becoming evident that he knows nothing simply landed a place to send his mail I only let him shave in the kitchen when he rides in on the Western Pacific outdoor seating fresh air enjoyable panorama he likes the outdoors and strangely enough also likes acres of humming server farms with a couple of slow pinwheel generators on a naked hill of uranium tailings nearby the readings aren't what they used to be but the kangaroo rats are as big as kangaroos so you have to drive real slow at night and keep the fissured windows rolled up if you have a car like Hank's Hudson Hornet coffee can sized pistons twin carburetors and a back seat big enough to live in it was a big improvement over under a train trestle Hank has seen a lot of the world and its trestles been beat up and falling down drunk in a lot of cities but learned to hit back and take names his brindle Great Dane has a funny name for a dog it is Arthur and he can bark it like a battle cry AR-THURF he goes when Dandelion Hank's cat taunts him from the back seat rear shelf Hank dropped in to shave just last night so we're lucky to have his wisdom right here for example he has solved world insanity set your head on fire is basically it but it probably won't catch on people believing their own lies has a momentum to tilt all the ten pins over at the Bowl and Boogie Lanes when it's Cicada Night and the ladies get in free

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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