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Are We Like Little Fairies Before God

ARE WE LIKE LITTLE FAIRIES BEFORE GOD? If the expanse of the universe, with every created world, can fit in the palm of God’s hand, then what is a human? If the bible says that man is no more than a blade of grass, then are we in our glory no better than the lilies of the field? In a moment of revelation, King David recognized his complete insignificance before God. The Master Potter uses his clay to mold the precious figurines which he breathes life into. Some are molded into precious jewels, while others are molded into brittle glass. Cast upon a grand tapestry, the jewels and glass form a mosaic which depicts the times and seasons of the evolution of life. Woven into this tapestry are the cords, threads, beads, and feathers of a delicate design of God’s own hand. The life of the world is a collection of stories. Stories of love, stories of hate, stories of conquest, stories of defeat, stories of sorrow, and stories of joy. In an enchanted land, full of mystery and full of suspense, life moves with the melodies of heaven. And every little fairy has a tale of his or her own. The fairies live, they laugh, they play, they love, and at times they even hate. But fairies are fairies, and God loves his little fairies. The adornment and wings of a fairy are lovely, and he takes delight in his magnificent design. At the end of a lifetime in the enchanted forest, the little fairies tire of the dew and honeysuckle, the lilac and the rose, and the gentle wind and rain. One day, the lovely fairies die. In what was once a glorious and magnificent flight into the soft azure skies, with their wings alighting atop the thatched roofs of their humble homes, each little fairy folds his or her wings. And forever, in an alabaster jar the memories of each fairy is kept for time immemorial. And so, goodnight sweet fairy for your tale has been told, and it is time to sleep.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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Date: 1/27/2018 5:51:00 AM
A very interesting take on Fairies Thomas. Enjoyed this read....Maria
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Date: 12/27/2017 6:21:00 AM
Interesting thought Thomas... who knows until we meet our creator..
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Thomas Hsi
Date: 12/27/2017 4:21:00 PM
Thank you Silent One. I love tales of fairies, unicorns, enchanted forests, and a Lady of the Lake. So Arthurian.

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