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I didn't fall in love with you. I stood there unaware. Unsure If anything was suppose to happen. While standing I had no purpose to fall, Not while standing. I caught myself beneath the waterfall of everything I hoped you'd be. With one step everything changed. I fell in love. Plunging feet first beneath the water that fell on my head. The beginning of Infatuation. Like anything else I panicked. My head completely covered in water. Soaked in what seemed to be eternity. My lungs sought the next breath. To swim in the essence of everything you are. This beautiful world you keep hidden beneath skin. I plunged deep. Swept by the chill that cascaded down my spine. Deep down a thought arose. One that never before crossed my mind. That I have never experienced anything this beautiful. What if I never reach the top. To watched a new life start, To die in the same instance

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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