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April Showers and Fools

At the beginning of April, We hear two things: Joking around, And hopping into spring The "April Fools" concept, It's a bit of a mess... Everyone trying to Exhibit some "finesse". I've indeed been pranked, At least once today. But I don't think it's funny, In the same type of way. The second foolish aspect It that "May flowers" will come. But I live in Michigan, So that's a little dumb. So, in the end I really don't understand. Why April even exists I say it be banned...

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 4/10/2022 9:00:00 PM
Hi Bridget… this poem! Great rhyming. Ban April ….I’d like to see that Haha!! Debx
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Date: 4/1/2022 11:49:00 AM
Great poem. I, too, deplore all you mentioned. It’s a pinheaded act to set a prank on someone, not to mention, plain dumb. Your last paragraph is a true killer. You...pack no punches. Pangiexo
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Date: 4/1/2022 11:38:00 AM
Rats! You made me realise I missed pranking my granddaughter for the first time in her life! Aloha!
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Date: 4/1/2022 7:29:00 AM
I know what you mean, Bridget--especially when you have to wait in Michigan to cheer springs blossoms. I guess, for many--it's the joy of escaping winter and stepping into spring. I don't care for the April fool jokes either.
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