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April Fools

How cold the sun of April first day playing games of spring return to winter chills. Blow ye wild, racing winds slip thru the stilled and silent trees hovering between the naked forms and promised new growth of life. Hear the cry and howl of the hollow echoing goodbyes and hellos waiting for March gusts to die away. Sing loud and bold old birds of prior years pretty, pretty, pretty tweetings of April's spring into May days as showers fall hard and icy cold. Young, newly paired wrens and sparrows begin the staked out housings gather nesting materials for soon to be laid eggs. Croci, daffodil, forsythia burst forth in shaded emerald green starts soaking in the sunlight warm ready to glow in bright and brilliant hues. Others soon to peek thru the earthened ground breaking grit and graveled clay dirt in sprigs tendered in their greenery. Yet comes April in its unpredictability, yellowed sun teasing life to come forth and be reborn then sear it chilled within its grip amidst bluing cloudless skies. These are the days of every life enticing and cautionary hesitating and holding back all the April fools.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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Date: 4/4/2019 8:27:00 AM
Wow...Love This, DM.
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