Round with a crispy white core.
Crunch it, taste its juicy play.
Teeth strong and healthy, its lore.
Apples will keep docs away.
Play with it, throw ball, catch it.
Use as a target to train.
It is hard, good throw and hit.
Swollen eye, it can give pain.
Apple cider is best sweet.
Cider better when it’s brewed.
Cider moment, sways falls prat.
Spirit juices got to his head.
Apple crumble, sweet delight.
Custard adorns, rich flavor.
Moms use it to make nice treats.
Kids gobble It in wonder.
Apples good like wine and grape.
Tasty like strawberry.
Can cause pain like banana.
It was a forbidden fruit!
Copyright © Raj Napal | Year Posted 2016
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