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Any Atheists Out There

I I am with Liberty At least I was Until 2019, before the Virus Now as in puerile freedoms (Just words, not many will sacrifice for; Most people go along, as with Trump in USA) So, I was with Liberty University In Virginia, the world's largest Christian university When Jerry Jr. supported the Donald, I left the country "Leave of absence," I said Now how many atheists support Donald Trump? II Mandela of South Africa might have rotted in prison Yet 27 years later he emerged, with more passion For freedom than those who were "born free," taught "Reason," How do we explain this Freedom's mystery? Men - and women - under the boot of racism Emerge with a greater testimony of Freedom Than the Teachers, the advocates, the age-old Practitioner? Gandhi, too, born under British colonialism Not only imparted freedom in South Africa, but in his own nation Then a dose of Christian moral conviction: "I'll be a Christian if the West practices Jesus' famed Sermon" III Hey, I was a communist and atheist by persuasion Because as a child I knew no fairness, no freedom Then how this Christian conversion? Now I come to my theme, topic, and Question: There is a Spirit, we call it Spirit of The Original QUESTION: Yes, God is the Original Question, Miss & Mr. Reason! As He seems to ask the rhetorical question: When a non-life form, Corona Virus, can quiet our planes & "System" When every Tom, Dick, & Maggie are in prayer now What are the atheists saying, what are they doing? Maybe some good atheist will help us Predict the next dislocation?

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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Date: 5/15/2020 5:05:00 PM
Hello Anil Deo, it would be nce to know our final destination. Enjoy your evening my friend.
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Date: 5/3/2020 12:36:00 PM
Thanks a big stack of FREEDOMS Rick, shalom shalom Brother Man!
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Date: 5/3/2020 9:13:00 AM
I came to read this one after reading Michelle’s Beautiful Poem. I find this piece very intriguing as well. I think us humans seek outwardly for what resides within. Sadly humans look to leaders to solve their dilemmas and erect prisons in the process. I hope prayer and self discovery accompany our current isolation. If we know our final destination, our fear will dissapear.
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Lamoureux Avatar
Richard Lamoureux
Date: 5/3/2020 9:16:00 AM
Mandela was never imprisoned, because he occupied the vastness of his mind. Sadly some people are small thinkers and their interior space is quite limiting.
Date: 4/29/2020 9:15:00 PM
Anil, I scare or turn off plenty too I think. I'm a post Catholic, Buddhist leaning, naturally Pagan, never comfortable with atheist or agnostic who has finally found an ism that I'm comfortable with, Panpsychist who is thrilled to read this. (I'm new, not yet card carrying member) ;),
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Deo Avatar
Anil Deo
Date: 5/3/2020 12:35:00 PM
with good intentions, Maureen, I declare: You were always a Babe, including intellectually! That's why when we're relaxing with someone of any age or gender, we call them ... U rock Baby!
Date: 4/24/2020 9:26:00 PM
Nothing, ZERO, Zilch to forgive of YOU, Michelle! Thanks for the welcome visit. Use all the space to comment (mostly I scare or turn off, folks, LOL!) shalom shalon Dear One
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Date: 4/24/2020 9:17:00 PM
Well, I am an atheist (90% atheist, 10% agnostic since I don't know for sure what, if anything, happens after death) but that does not mean I have no belief - I believe in science and self-sacrifice, common sense and compassion, goodwill and forgiveness, taking care of yourself and those you love, hard work and integrity, and leaving the world a little better than you found it - and I am definitely NOT a Trump supporter - and I hope you forgive me for this lengthy comment!
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Mcgreavy Avatar
Maureen Mcgreavy
Date: 4/29/2020 9:15:00 PM
Deo Avatar
Anil Deo
Date: 4/24/2020 9:28:00 PM
Thx a million, Michelle! My personal belief: A poet is a Believer in GOOD, that is GOD with two Os. I love your visit Dear One. Shalom, shalom (Ancient Israel said this to wish us: "Peace & Healing - WHOLEness."

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry