Ante Bellum
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BEIGEBest served where it can’t be seen
On Stirling Silver platters
With redruM narcotics
Delivered by sharp Blood-Red
Well-mannered talons
Strutting in sleek wet rolling tight-skirted
Long French Silk Stockinged legs all the way down to
Lethal Six Inch stilettos -
Manolo Blahniks -
Shiny Pearls of cream glisten
Around the Chanel Milk White necks
dripping Manuka-honeyed smiles
Ripping eyes out of the
bent-back sockets
of the Board-men’s heads,
A contingent of seasoned
office sex and politics
Bullet-busted Fembots
that bend just-so and flex.
"Just a"
Nubile serving wench
Beige redruM
Served best
- “Chilled” -In Wedgewood Crystal Goblets
to the
Old Boys
with their over-sweeps, Orange tans, Viagra
and their assorted
kinda-Liquorice-All Sorts
Rainbow coloured
Bags of Candy
popping Pretty Pink Heart Pills,
Gluttonous, arrogant and unaware
Sitting "stiffly"
in their Pucci underwear
and vintage Cardin
and saintly Laurent
knifeline-pressed suits that scream
"J'ai tres tres debonnaire!"
Moving pieces on the table, their version of
Monopoly becomes
Truth or Dare,
Their countenance smoothly conveys,
“I am your Over Lord, Beware”,
as they swap business cards from their fat and
overflowing wallets while
sitting like Supreme Beings in their Lair,
chortle vociferously unfazed,
"the women are 'just' trollops",
they compare,
who has bigger guns and
troops that pack the best
Hell of a Chlorine Gas skin burning internal organs Whollop!
As they play their little games,
Pumping Masonic “G” fisted
Greasy milk from their lubricated, soiled and fetid pockets,
Swapping innocent lives
For lethal chemicals, blood spray, tumbling heads and hellfire
A cheap deal for Black Liquid Gold and
Bolshy Atomic Rockets.
There they sit, puffed up, superficial
Poisonous and salivating
consorting silent, sophisticated, bestial
Around an ancient table (metaphorically speaking)
they all are orderly, noxious, and sublimely fecal.
Drunk on power, they are inebriated
It shines and reflects in the faces
Of these Narcissisitic dead-eyed
Lupine Grinning
Fork-tongued hissing
False Phrophets
who think that they are
They are Slender Man
each and every one -
As they maim, murder and taste the blood
Of all God’s children,
Lambs to the slaughter.
Yes they are Slender Man
Well hidden in the beat-up
They are the ones,
The True Forgotten -
They think that they are
While from their view at 666
Across the Harbour
That is really Styx,
Ishtar wears her Crown of Seven Thorns
The Shining Whore of Mystery Babylon
Tres tres adored...
The Fembots lean in seductively
With just the right amount and
slightest hint of cleavage.
They serve their trays of
While the Old Boys
Grin at their sweet dewy melons
And wish for Younger Days
and hot sex with
shame 'n fame
street walking
Who can say, is this scene all too late to summon?
Before the War is come?
Ante Bellum.
Best served where it blends in, can’t be seen
Po 210, an excellent year.
(Lovejoy-Burton/April 2018)
New York?
17 'For in one hour such great riches came to nothing.' Every shipmaster, all who travel by ship, sailors, and as many as trade on the sea, stood at a distance 18 "And cried out when they saw the smoke of her burning, saying, 'What is like this great city?' 19 "They threw dust on their heads and cried out, weeping and wailing, and saying, 'Alas, alas, that great city, in which all who had ships on the sea became rich by her wealth! For in one hour she is made desolate.'
Whore of Babylon?
The Whore of Babylon is described as a harlot who sits on many waters in Revelation 17:1. The Hudson, Harlem, East, and Hackensack Rivers empty into New York Harbor, and many rivers in Connecticut also empty into Long Island Sound. The place where the East River meets Long Island Sound is called Hell Gate. On Long Island, there are suburbs of New York City called North Babylon, West Babylon, and Babylon. The Whore of Babylon was the Babylonian goddess of war and sexual lust known as Ishtar, whom other Semitic peoples of the ancient Middle East knew as Astarte, Ashtoreth, or Asherah, and who was called Aphrodite by the ancient Greeks and Venus by the Romans. The Statue of Liberty itself was modeled on the ancient Roman goddess of Libertas.
1. Owls/Bilderbergers
2. David Rockefeller's Chilling 1991 Speech at a Bilderberg Meeting
3. Is the Statue of Liberty the Whore of Babylon
4. Ishtar
5. Spys, Intelligence
6. The Manhattan Project
7. The Plutonium Files
8. Putin predicts global 'chaos' if West hits Syria again
(MSN.COM.AU, 16/4/18)
9. Trump and The Storm
10. The 666 Fifth Avenue Address
11.Chemical Attack,Syria
Copyright © Leanne Lovejoy-Burton | Year Posted 2018
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