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Another Romance Language

I love the French and Italian languages…how their words seem to float on the air and dance…that’s why they are often referred to as languages of romance. I don’t have to understand the meaning…but listening to them over the years… the languages of romance are music to my ears. There is another romance language out there…which every day we should celebrate It’s the language of nature which she uses…with all of nature…to communicate. How, for instance, without what we humans would consider to be a brain… do bees know which flowers to visit…and clouds know when to rain? How do the tides know then to rise or fall…unless they’ve spoken to the moon? How does a caterpillar know…when it’s time for the cocoon? How do birds know it’s time to sing without first talking to the sun? How do bears know when to wake up…when their winter sleep is done? How do buds within a tree know when to climb out on the limb? How do sea turtles find the ocean…and fish learn how to swim? And for those of you who think we humans don’t need to speak the language of nature… well I say then.…It’s time for you to reevaluate…to stop…and think again. Just as flowers know the exact moment when it’s time for them to bloom, Babies, understanding the language of nature, know when it’s time to leave the womb. Which means we have all heard nature speak to us…and felt how it made our world rejoice… Which means it is imperative as we grow up…we don’t forget her voice. If we have we must re-learn her language…by listening to what she has to say… So we begin to understand her meanings…a little more each day. We may not understand much at first…but I imagine…over the years… each new word we understand will add music to our ears Eventually, if we let them…….just like in Italy and France as we understand more of nature’s words…they will seem to float upon the air…and dance Words meant to teach us….meant our world to unite…to strengthen and enhance… then she will take her rightful place…among the languages of romance…..

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 8/8/2023 5:23:00 PM
Enjoyed this poem and agree, nature has its own language. You've summed it up well! Even though it's sometimes silent, it is worth listening to every word.
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Yerman Avatar
Jim Yerman
Date: 8/12/2023 5:03:00 PM
Amen...thanks David...have a great day. :)

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