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Annoying Basketball Kid 2009

It was to be a lazy afternoon spent at a nearby park. Jordan, Anthony, and I swung on the swings and climbed their wooden structure & the gazebo. We thought back on how we all used to hang out there as little kids. Now look at us-- dope-smokers in 10th grade... The basketball court was empty, so we hung out there. A young kid, about 8 or 9, decided to join us. Wanting to impress Jordan & Anthony, he began to pick on me, as I was the weakest & the nerdiest of the group. But it wasn't like I could do anything about him. If I threw out insults, he stood the chance of harming himself. And surely beating the outta a much younger kid was frowned upon... Nothing he did or said got under my skin, necessarily, he was just so goddamn annoying. I'd be lying if I said I didn't entertain some thought of pushing him in front of a moving vehicle. On the walk home, Jordan and I discussed his awful strategy to make friends.

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