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Animated Earthintegrity

Nothingness in spirited spaces breathed places windswept re-connecting re-ligious experience ZeroZone intuited and non-violently not ultra violetly re-communicating economic green co-investments and political win/win empowering healthy wealth, resiliently abundant polypathic potential for future/from past love's green/blue reweaving ZeroZone nothingness of denatured dead statically disconnected win/lose dogma of capitalistic righthand dominant fundamentalism of deductive reasoning As if such empty rightbrain inductive denialism, such win/win ecosystemic Trust depression, such ecofeminist oppression, such matriarchal polytheistic repression, and, even more overinvested, such StraightWhite Capitalist depleting wealth impressions Would not also suppress healthy re-ligioning multiculturally empty face imprisoned by fear of ecofeminist grace, Abandoned to demonic anger of red-blooded patriotic SWMale clubs idolatrously worshiping predative AnthroSupremacism Open only to those Chosen by dogmatic unchanging orthodox DivineWords spoken to blind Transcendent SpiritWin/NatureLose NonDualistic Full-Angelic or Empty-Demonic Gospel Heaven or HellFired Earth Disciples, almost hopelessly leftbrain patriarchal monotheistically straight and monoculturally White Reverence in the Name of commodifying sanctifying values redeeming colonizing competitive global missions instead of creolizing sacraments polyculturally green resonant win/win communicating Earth history reveals nothing less logical or necessarily more romantic about rightbrain NonZero Zone's both/and dipolar co-arising Logos interdependent ecological mythos circling revolving 4D cosmological GoldenRules integral anima-enspirited Ego/Eco-rebalancing restoring re-ligioning reweaving consciousness full multicultural EarthMatriotic breathed in and out winded up and down nature-green landed spirit-blue watered Anxious about packed and fracked, unmellowed and yellowed formerly fertile MotherLands Still fragilely supporting Nothingness in spirited spaces breathed places windswept re-connecting re-ligious integrity experience enlightening co-passionate re-lateralships.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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