Angry Sun
She comes down near my head daily
releasing sharp spears on it precisely
I shout for mercy but she listens not
without compassion she tortures me
Born brown angry Sun darkened me
the blood veins are hidden beneath
my eyes refuse to see precious world
just because of actions of angry Sun
I live in Africa where the Sun is angry
and the people have also become angry
the hair in anger has refused to grow long
but the angry Sun never misses to rise
Angry Sun, angry Sun give me a break
I also want to enjoy this earthly Africa
migrate angry Sun, migrate to North Pole
find your way for a season to South Pole
The icecap is a sleepy giant in the Poles
go to Arctic and conquer icecaps of ancient
go to Antarctica and spear her heart fatally
as for me in Africa enough is enough
Copyright © Solomon Ochwo-Oburu | Year Posted 2017
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